Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Fragmented Mindspiel

Here I yam- at long last...@ bloggers.com - the last refuge for those of us with creative impulses that no editor would ever publish!
Talk about self aggrandisement- wonder what those poor sods in the past few hundred years did if they wanted to be known for their wit n wisdom.
It's a high alright and greater pens than mine have commented on the phenom of blogging. Not trying that here...besides the wrath of a sibling shall descend upon me ...as it is the guy thinks I need to cut down on words. Why get chewed up aise hi?
Talk about a Ren man tho'- the sibling is one alright...the very brain that soaks up numbers, formulae n esoteric info that he converts to moolah is the one to write the most exquisite articles I have ever read. Wish I had half the felicity of words he does.
He's on blogspot too as Random Fractals- go check the guy out and you'll see what I mean.
Talking of felicity- I wonder how these analytical left brain types turn out to be the most creative- verily hemispheres be multifunctional.
There's another specimen I know. He's in the rarefied world of biz as an SME in SEM....hooda hada you say? Well, it stands for Subject Matter Expert in Strategic Enterprise Management. (Jesus! where do they think of these ?) Crack at the crack of dawn methinks....
His resume reads like an exercise in Jargon 101. Talk to the man or read some of his articles and you realise that this be's one helluvan artist. No one can paint pen pictures better than him- knows every line of every song in every single language- I kid you not. No reference, however obscure is new to him- the man can outsponge the Bob himself.
It's the left brain people- the same furrows that govern analytical thought turn out to be the most creative. Maybe we should stop ascribing these presumptions.
Fragmented minds like me however, cant hold a candle to all you corpo, fin, biz and scientific types. We are just a tangle of information overload. Look around you and you'll see people like us. Eclectic, scattered, intelligent but without any real focus. Sure, we can turn a phrase or two, but the gleanings of our minds are fairly convoluted and never quite stay in the same place for any length of time. Not enough to make a difference anyway.
The yodhas in my book- (look it up- its sanskrit- means warrior- this is for all the non brownies reading this blog) are the sorts who possess that mix of left n right brain- the well rounded ones. Just occured to me that Mr. THX certainly did get the concept allright when he made the little green man of the backward talking fame. He just took away the H and Einsteined him a bit. There's well rounded for you..
The funny thing is I'm going to get feedback on what I write here- and it almost always runs like this: " Wow! I liked what you wrote- didnt know you had that kind of depth in you!"
I never quite know what to say to that- either I project this amazingly bimbette image which precludes me from having any kind of thought deeper than my makeup or I have shortchanged myself and the world by not dropping these pearls of wisdom before.
Anyhow- shall post this now- the moving finger having writ findeth that arthritis waiteth not for no man nor woman.....
Later dudes....


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Shreyas said...

The space you describe Frag exists in Chaos Zone which is what Random Fractals is all about (or will be,or at any rate attempts to be , or could will be but is'nt yet. Sorry I'll stop now). Howevaah, as Winston frequently thundered, chaos theory says that for all the fragmentation visible, there is actually order, its just not visible unless you know how to look for it. Lots of parallels to Douglas Adams, Star Wars and the Force and just abt every other Zen infected preaching that was ever done. So check it out, illuminating as all hell, will post links on my blog to interesting places to go.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Fragmented Minds said...

Yes sir yodha sir!


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