Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Isees Osiris thru a distant glow

So now they've found 2 planets far far away in space eh? One they nicknamed Osiris- the other is still stuck in alphabetical nomenclature. Osiris is in the constellation of Pegasus and the other's in Lyra, called TR-es1 .
Isn't calling one Osiris a bit redundant? Orion is anyway Osiris, atleast according to the Egyptians...anyhow since these two have been called "hot Jupiters" by NASA, why not call the other one Zeus? or maybe Toutatis? or Brihaspati? naah- them thar NASA types wont do the third world thing by calling it some Sanskrit name...get Icelandic names or some equally kosher name linking it to Jupiter. By Jove has a nice ring to it...
" so daahlin', here I was , idling along Lyra, when By Jove! I saw By Jove.."
Yeah yeah u too- 'tis midday coffee gets to one yknow? Stop gripin at my gripin...I have a right to be a wingywhiny....says so on my blogger manual!
And here's another one- calling space and paying for the pleasure...come on people, get a grip! Only here can we pay for what we have hitherto been doing free....calling the cosmos indeed. What do you call all those waves we send out as tv and radio junk? Barnum would be happy to know that we haven't yet run out of suckers.
SETI@home instead- faster, cheaper and so much more fun than calling the cosmos long distance. What will they think of next- a collect call with charges reversed to Sedna?


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