Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Sweetness of Revenge

Todays news declares how pleasurable the act of revenge or comeuppance really is. Scientific research has now sanctioned the art of sanctions- apparently, we get off on the sheer anticipation of joy when we chastise, reprimand or punish others. Kinda like knowing its gonna be sweet without actually going thru with it yet.
Very auto- somethingortheother methinks.
In other news octopii- yes, it is the plural- all u msnbc columnists, please take note....octopii mimic coconuts and algae to escape predators. Gives a new twist to the chacha slide...the tentacles are very muscular and strong enuf to turn cephalopods into bipeds. Sorta like a marine ape- arms dangling as it shuffles along the sand.
Apropos of nothing, I love the net- it's so much fun to find a page on everything- no matter how inane or nutty. I only have issues with the self important morons who insist on editing open source directories like Wikipedia- the section on Delhi and its history wasn't only riddled with misinformation- the language itself was a bit like reading thru those desi coffeehouse forums with their BTM lingo.
I'm going to get nasty feedback from all desis who find the last statement snobbish, racist and outrageous. Shall get back to you later.
Back to Wikipedia- go to the section on Delhi- it's a city pockmarked with History- and yet, there's a dearth of info on it. Why cant some erudite Delhiite (yes, the species does exist) just fill in the blanks? And not with misinfo either- maybe I should start a discussion group of likeminded Delhiites who are tired of people trashing their city and want to sort these nauseekhas out. There's the anticipation of joy in my head at telling people where to get off- revenge, she doth sweet indeed.


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