Discovery of 2 more moons brightens Pluto supporters
So Pluto is finally getting out of the's a question tho'...where in the name of all things galactic is Sedna?
10th planet they said...yet, me hears precious little about it.
Now that Pluto is the smallest planet to have moons larger than itself, thereby replicating certain well known terraforms and bipeds (as in certain bigwigs who are asses but surround themselves with bright minds...wink wink) maybe it's time to re-re-repair Hubble so that it can continue doing its yeoman service to cosmology.This whole business of finding new moons and planets is confusing to say the least- astrologers talk about the 13th sign of the zodiac- some fella called Ophiuchus, that is more invisible than anything the stars might dream up for about it here:
Then there is Sedna, the 10th planet who previously had a name only an astronomer would love...the same Sedna tho' is now obscured by well, obscurity...
Looks like the universe is expanding- atleast our boundaries of the solar system are...
Here's a suggestion tho' for the 2 new moons- If Charon is the moon of Pluto, maybe the new guys could be named using the same mythological character from a different's that for making it all one?
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