Who would have thought that Bill Gates would quake and rail at the domination of Google over Microsoft? I have many friends in the company who tell me that the 'disquiet' is indeed true- the corridors of power are quietly reverberating to rumbles of fear- maybe tis the winter of Microsoft's discontent after all.
It's fun to see- after almost 3 decades of virtual monopoly and price gouging and myriad other not so ethical stuff, a giant finds that the beanstalk has grown to mammoth proportions...yup, am mixing metaphors n literary allusions here but who cares?
Google's smart- and smart and very smart...their philosophy of keeping people, their ideas and their egos happy has resulted in some amazing tools and extensions onto what was nothing but a little search engine...hey! 'tis the (search) engine that could!!!
Sometimes I slay me with my cracklin wit..:)
MS Office products are unfortunately a necessary evil- wish it wasnt true but it is..personally , I prefer Apple products but when 3/4 of the worksphere uses Microsoft , what can ya do?
Google on the other hand never fails to amaze me with their farsightedness- have you compared the desktop search tool? Google's is far superior- MSN is not...that is the trouble with playing the catch up game- many little details fall by the wayside.
Same thing with MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger- why cant the 2 be integrated? You have XP on your pc- it comes with one form of Messenger- the moment you open it tho', you get a message asking you to upgrade- like a fool you do so- now you have 2 versions of the same thing- exclusive files on your hard drive- and then!- there's a new message from one of those pesky little MS bots- would you like MSN Messenger with its blah blah....Seriously, why do I want or need 3 versions of an IM application on my machine?
Try Google talk - the VOIP is beautiful- crystal clear- no stupid doodads cluttering it up- none of these Whiteboard, NetMeeting crap that you see on MSN Messenger- it's clean, functional and I love it- exactly like everything else touched by Google.
Go Google- and since I'm shamelessly plugging you, why oh why dontcha boost my page rank?! Think of it as a sweet thank you ....