Intelligent Design and the US of A
The fiercely split Kansas Board of Education voted 6 to 4 on Tuesday to adopt new science standards that are the most far-reaching in the nation in challenging Darwin's theory of evolution in the classroom.
Are they bloody nuts? What's the matter with these morons in the Govt. as well as Boards of Ed across this country?
Personally,the very fact that idiots like this exist is proof that there is NO SUCH THING as Intelligent Design- only Evolution with its quest for success could come up with jackasses like this. If there's any design involved, it's not intelligent at all.
This is supposed to be a nation at the forefront of technology and science- not anymore tho'- can you imagine the coming generations? Fed as they will be on intelligent design, it's not too far a leap to imagine the state of Science 20 years hence. Think about it-R & D as we know it will cease- instead scientific exploration will be attempts to prove that Biblical events really did occur.
God is there- but to say that the complexity of the universe or life on this planet is proof that a Higher power exists is sheer blindness.
For a President to ratify it, an entire nation to vote on it and a political clime that insists on the integration of Church and State, one has to live in a country that's going stark raving bonkers. Check out the controversy here:
Where are the talking and thinking heads that made this country?
Do they exist or has God phased them out?
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